Gianarrigo Rona
Milan, 30th November 2004
To the EBL NBO Presidents
Dear President and friend,
As you
know, the the 2nd European Open Bridge Championship will be held at:
Mare Nostrum Resort
June to 2nd July 2005
I am pleased to inform you that the
organisational work is in progress and is proceeding very well.
The EBL Executive Committee and I are convinced that you will have already
publicised the event within your Federation and right now I wish to express to
you and your colleagues our appreciation and gratitude for this: as (and more
than) usual your help is very important in publicising the Championship and its
success depends exclusively on your strong co-operation. In any case the Member
of the EBL Executive Committee in charge for your country will contact you for
any necessity.
May I repeat that the Championship is
an instrument that the Federations can use in a fruitful way for the greater
promotion of bridge in their countries, acting as a stimulus to all their
members who will have the chance to compete on an international level, not as
anonymous participants at a Festival or Tournament, but representing their own
country at an official event which awards a title and medal. The player who has
participated becomes the best promoter of our discipline and his enthusiasm,
also unconsciously, will create others too.
In a few days we send you the
leaflets with all the useful information and the Rules and Regulations, but I
am pleased to anticipate you the following informations:
The championship will include:
Mixed Teams
Mixed Pairs
Open, Women’s and Senior Teams
Open, Women’s and Senior Pairs
Side Games
17th -19.30 -
Opening Ceremony
Saturday 18th -10.30 -
Mixed Teams (Qualification)
Sunday 19th -10.30 - Mixed Teams (Qualification)
Monday 20th -10.30 - Mixed Teams (16^/8^)
Mixed Pairs (Qualification)
Tuesday 21st -10.30 - Mixed Teams (4^ / Final)
- Mixed Pairs (Semi-Final)
Wednesday 22nd -10.30 - Mixed Teams (Final)
- Mixed Pairs (Semi-Fin. & Final)
Thursday 23rd -10.30 - Mixed Pairs (Final)
-19.30 -
Mixed Prize Giving, Buffet
Friday 24th -10.00 - EBL General Assembly
-21.00 -
O/W/S Teams (Qualification)
Saturday 25th -10.30 - O/W/S Teams (Qualification)
Sunday 26th -10.30 - O/W/S Teams (Qualification)
Monday 27th
-10.30 - O/W/S Teams (16^ & 8^)
-10.30 - O/W/S Pairs (Qualification)
Tuesday 28th -10.30 - O/W/S Teams (4^)
-10.30 -
O/W/S Pairs (Qualification)
Wednesday 29th -10.30 -
O/W/S Teams (Semi-Final)
-10.30 -
O/W/S Pairs (Semi-Final)
Thursday 30th -10.30 -
O/W/S Teams (Final)
-10.30 -
O/W/S Pairs (Semi-Final)
Friday 1st -10.30 - O/W/S Pairs (Final)
-11.00 -
EBL President Press Conference
Saturday 2nd -10.30 - O/W/S Pairs (Final)
-19.30 -
O/W/S Prize-Giving,
- Closing Ceremony, Buffet
Play will start at 10.30 and finish at 8/8.30 p.m.
each day, except Friday 24th June
Side games will be held each day, except Friday 24th
June, starting at 21.15/21.30
Bridge players (registered
members of WBF NBOs) from all WBF zones, in good standing with their
Federation, are entitled to participate. All events will be Transnational
and there will be no restrictions on numbers of entries per NBO.
Via Ciro
Menotti 11/C
Milano – Italy
E Mail:
It is very important that this deadline is respected to enable us to define the format and schedule of
To be paid in cash (Euros
and US Dollars) or by Credit Card at the Tournament Reception and Registration
Desk in Mare Nostrum Resort in Arona:
Mixed Teams € 820
Mixed Pairs € 275
Open & Women Teams €
Teams € 900
Open & Women Pairs € 450
Senior Pairs € 400
The pairs who played the quarter-finals and/or
semi-finals and do not achieve the final, will pay 50% of entry-fee
The players who played the 1st event (Mixed
Teams) can enter in the 2nd event (Mixed Pairs) with a 15% discount
on this entry fee
The players who played the 1st (Mixed Teams) and the 2nd event
(Mixed Pairs) can enter in the 3rd event (or O/W/S Teams) with a 25% discount
on this entry fee
The players who played the 1st (Mixed Teams), the 2nd (Mixed
Pairs) and the 3rd event (or O/W/S Teams) can enter in the 4th event
with a 30% discount on this entry fee
The pairs who played the final in Teams, can play for
free the Pairs event of the same category
Mare Nostrum Resort will offer a contribution of 10%
of the entry fee in each event to the players hosted in their hotels
For the Players who participated in at least in
three of the four events (the players who participate in all four events can
leave out the worst result) there will be a special individual ranking in every
single category Open, Women, Senior.
5.000 4.000 3.000
2nd 3.500 2.500 1.500
3rd 2.500 1.500 1.000
4th 1.500 1.250 750
5th 1.250 1.000 750
6/10th 1.000 700 500
750 500
21st/30th 500
The Teams and Pairs, winning the European title in
Arona, will be hosted by the EBL at the 2007 European Championship for one week
with free entry and B&B Hotel accommodation, double room. The winners in mixed events will be invited to
the mixed playing week, the O/W/S will be invited to the O/W/S playing week.
EBL has agreed with Mare Nostrum a
special price for B&B accommodation in their resort hotels, at the
following special prices per night:
Standard room Single
€ 105 Double € 120
Superior Deluxe Single
€ 140 Double € 155
Junior Suite Single € 140 Double € 155
Suite Single € 180 Double € 195
Sir Anthony-G.L.
Standard room Single € 160
Double € 160
Superior Deluxe
Single € 220
Double € 220
Single € 310
Double € 310
are a limited number of rooms available at Mare Nostrum Resort, to guarantee a
room the booking has to be made before on 31st January 2005
All the booking can only be done through:
By plane:
- Tenerife Sur Rejna Sophia
Airport (10 mins.)
- Tenerife Norte Airport
(50 mins.)
Presidency Secretariat
Ciro Menotti 11/C
Milano –
+39 02 7000 0022
+39 02 7000 1398
I hope that there will be a large
entry from your Federation in Arona and I look forward to seeing you there,
where, furthermore, the EBL General Assembly will be held.
Thank you in advance for support and
All the best to you and your
Yours sincerely,
Gianarrigo Rona