


Nové Město nad Metují


Summer bridge weekend






Friday                    18.30       Special pairs

4th June


Saturday               10.20       Opening

5th June                  10.30       GP Metuje Cup - 1st session

                               15.00       GP Metuje Cup - 2nd session

                               20.00       Individual


Sunday                    8.00       Swiss Teams

6th June                  14.00       Refreshment

14.30       Prize-giving ceremony

Played in Sokol Hall

Entry fees

Special Pairs                         100,- Kč per pair

GP Metuje Cup                    300,- Kč per pair

Individual                               50,- Kč per player

Teams                                   300,- Kč per team



Challenge trophy METUJE CUP

Cash prizes for at least 10 per cent of participants

Other prizes:

·         GP Metuje Cup:

§         the best pair containing a woman

§         the best foreign pair

§         the best pair containing a junior

§         pair with the highest score improvement in 2nd session - rocket

·         He-high-scorer and she-high scorer


All players invited

by Bridge Club Nové Město nad Metují



For accommodation reservations apply to:

MUDr. Marie Volhejnová

Nad stadionem 1319

Nové Město nad Metují

549 01

tel.: 491 472 198, 723 87 76 95

Deadline for reservations: 1st June 2004

Contakt address

Jiří Baláš

Mírová 740


518 01

mob.tel.  777 92 15 16

e-mail:    jiri.balas@finesko.cz


Nové Město nad Metují hopes to see you in June.