
P r o g r a m m e

16.9.2005 Friday 18.00 h Swiss teams /Rounds 1-5/

17.9.2005 Saturday 9.30 h Termination of presentation

                                    10.00 h Pairs event - 1st round

                                    15.00 h Pairs event - 2nd round

18.9.2005  Sunday  9.00 h Swiss teams /Rounds 6-9/

13.00 h Proclamation of results

Entre fees Pairs event 300,- Kč/pair Swiss teams 600,- Kč/team

Prices Pairs event : * 1st price 4 000,- Kč

15 % participating pairs will be awarded * Further prices according to number of pairs

Prices Swiss teams : * 1st price 4 000,- Kč

* Further prices according to number of teams


O r g a n i z a t i o n

Playing room Technic House - big hall (beside theatre)

Transportation from railway station - troley bus No. 2 - bus No. 6, 8, 9, 13

Accomodation Accomodation requirements are to be sent till

September 10, 2005 to adress :

Ing. Milan Franz tel, fax : 466 657 043 mobil: +420 602 641 268

e-mail : rentax@rentax.cz

Players without reservation cannot be accomodated
